Your vehicle has the chance to be a marketing machine. Everywhere you go, heads will turn to look and learn about your business. Branding should be done at every chance you get and sometimes this means being a little “in your face” about it. As you drive all over town, people are sure to learn more about who you are and what you have to offer.
Add Details to Your Windows
As you drive along the road, you’re going to stop at plenty of red lights. This means you need to make the most of your window space. Vinyl lettering can be applied to include such things as:
- Company logo
- Services
- Website address
- Contact phone number
Depending on the size of your vehicle, all information might go on a single window. Otherwise, you use the back window as well as side windows to get in the information you want to share. This allows people to get more information as they walk around the vehicle. This is a great idea if you plan on attending trade shows, workshops, or even parking in client driveways. After all, neighbors are going to be some of the best referrals.
What you decide to share on the windows is entirely up to you. Ensure that it is all accurate and that it is large enough for people to read it. Not everyone will have the opportunity to get up close and personal with your company vehicle, especially if they spot you while driving down the highway.
Go with a Full Vehicle Wrap
One of the best ways to get someone’s attention is by going with a full vehicle wrap. Good vehicle wraps are perfectly branded for your business. This ensures everyone knows who you are and what you have to offer. Within the wrap, you will have your logo, details about your business, images and much more. People will learn more about who you are and know how to contact you. Soon, more people will take advantage of your services.
Wraps don’t impact the value of the car or truck. If you are leasing the vehicle or you plan on selling it in a few years, the adhesive wrap is removable – and it won’t take the paint off in the process.
Let People Scan a QR Code
Any kind of business signage should have a QR code on it. This is a square that has a large number of smaller squares on the inside. Customers scan the code with their mobile device. They are then taken directly to a website, landing page, mobile app download, or prompted to send an email.
If you’re worried that people will forget your website address or phone number, then a QR code is one of the easiest ways to help people connect with your brand. They scan the code quickly to contact you later on. It allows you to capture the interest of more people and ensure that they are able to follow up with you.
Use a Magnetic Sign
There are many communities that have limitations regarding commercial vehicles parking in driveways or on the street overnight. This means you have to be courteous to your neighbors and not have “in your face” marketing within where you live. This is why a magnetic sign is often the best way for you to promote your business.
When you’re out on the road, you slap the magnetic to either side (or both sides) of a car, truck, or van. Then, once you’re off duty, the vehicle magnets come off. This ensures that people see your marketing messages when it’s the most important, such as when you’re making deliveries.
Place a Bumper Sticker
There’s nothing wrong with going discreet. A bumper sticker is often the perfect way to advertise your business. This is especially true when you have a small vehicle. It’s also possible to turn other people’s vehicles into marketing machines by handing out bumper stickers to your customers.
The more you do to market, the better it will be for your business. A website is great to have, but if people don’t know how to get there, then you’re not getting the traffic. If you have a vehicle that’s being driven around town anyways, you might as well make the most of it. You will capture the attention of more people. It ensures that your brand sinks into the minds of everyone around.
Learn more about turning your vehicle into a marketing machine. Contact us today.