Car wraps are no longer a passing trend. This is an advertising phenomenon that’s here to stay. And it’s not hard to see why. In comparison to traditional advertising, they’re inexpensive. They look impressive. And they make an impact; such a significant one that up to 70,000 unique impressions .can be tracked for car wraps each day.
Car wraps can come with problems. Not the least of which is amateur car wraps. Maybe you’ve seen them. Maybe you’ve even experienced them. Peeling edges. Bubbles. Rips. Tears. Fading colors. And if an ugly car wrap makes a bad impression on you, think of what your customers must think.
We’ve been in the vehicle wrap business for a while. In fact, over three decades. In that time, we’ve seen a lot of common mistakes; especially here in northern Nevada. The weather can wreak havoc onthe durability and wear of a car wrap. If you’re looking to avoid problems with your car wrap, don’t bother using economy-priced amateurs or worse—do it yourself. Here’s why.
- Your Design Demands The Right Presentation
That means proper reproduction, proper application, and a proper finish. You need to think of visibility. You need to think of efficacy. And yes, you need to think of wear and tear. Even if you’re going through a budget reprographics firm, you can still wind up paying thousands of dollars for a single car wrap.This doesn’t include what you might have spent on the initial design cost. It might be cheaper than a billboard, but your car wrap demands durability not constant replacement.
That “great deal” you got? It’s from a company that doesn’t specialize in car wrap reproductions. They want to be a jack of all trades, but in the process they master none. Think of the time, energy and money you invested in your design. Do you want to sacrifice it by a company using inferior materials and shoddy installers who have no idea what they’re doing? Your business demands better than that.
- The Peel Unappeal
Peeling edges are one of the chief banes of existence when it comes to car wraps. That’s because they’re usually applied improperly. Rush through jobs are far too common, and problems with car wraps can occur by skipping even the most minor step.
Ensure the exterior of your vehicle is 100 percent spotless before taking it to a car wrap specialist. Dust, debris, oils and film of any sort can present common problems with car wraps. Many professional installers will use specially designed chemicals and cleaning agents designed to help your wrap adhere better. Try to ensure your car wrap installation is conducted indoors to minimize exposure to dust and other debris.
- Materials Matter
Remember that car wraps are generally vinyl—which means durability, quality and cost can vary. Amateur wrap providers are either unaware of thi orchoose to disregard quality to cut corners and “pass the savings on to you.”
This isn’t just lazy, it’s dishonest. You might even see non-specialists try to tag on an extra hour or so for labor because they had to “stretch” the material. What they mean is they overstretched it. You’re going to have problems resulting in your car wrap needing to be replaced several months down the road. Don’t be fooled by this scam. Insist only on top of the line material. At Grafics Unlimited, we’re proud to be a Master Certified Installation Company for both 3M and Avery products, as well as members of The Professional Decal Applicators Alliance.
- It’s The Heat
One thing to remember about vinyl car wraps is the fact that they’re a form of PVC. This means it can eventually return to its original shape if not treated properly after installation.
The easiest way to avoid this problem is to heat your car wrap both during and after the installation process. This ensures better adherence and general consistency. Again, this will take time and manpower.t’s a critical step. Heating your car wrap during the installation process will help it conform better to the shape of your vehicle. Post-installation heating gives it the extra touch that creates both consistency and longer life.
- Misadventures By Design
If applied properly, car wraps can take over eight hours to install depending on the size of a vehicle. That’s enough time to choose the right materials, the right process, and the right reproductive craftsmanship. It doesn’t take into consideration one potential dilemma.
How your design is going to look after the finished application.
You might have a bold design. It might be eye-catching on paper. But how will it look on a three-dimensional moving object? You need a trained eye who can help you evaluate your design. A specialist with enough experience to develop your message effectively. One who will tell you what can work for your car wrap, as well as what won’t work.
Do you think an amateur is all that worried about the end result of your car wrap? Do you think they’ll
see any problems? Or are they just concerned with another quick job?
Remember, this is your business. It deserves to look its very best. And so does your car wrap.
Since 1976, Grafics Unlimited has been helping Nevada businesses develop car wrap campaigns that are unique, effective and professionally installed. Find out more at